Allow players the ability to select an active "tag" based on the tags they have permission for. Tags are used to differentiate yourself from other player. We've added certain tags players can unlock when they reach certain player levels, but you can add as many tags as you'd like.
Opens the tag selection menu.
/supremetags <player> <tag>
Sets a custom tag for the specified player.
Adding a tag
Adding your own tag to the tags menu is fairly easy, you can just copy the text section below and edit the tag as you'd like it to be.
LEVEL1120:locked: material: PLAYER_HEAD:
name:'&e&lLevel 11-20'lore: - '&7Tags can be &funlocked &7when' - '&7you aquire the required' - '&7 player level.' - '' - ' &8◊ &7Tag: &f&l✦' - '' - '&c&lLocked'glow:falseavailable:material:NAME_TAGname:'&e&lLevel 11-20'lore: - '&7Tags can be &funlocked &7when' - '&7you aquire the required' - '&7 player level.' - '' - ' &8◊ &7Tag: &f&l✦' - '' - '&a&lLeft click &7to equip'glow:falseslot:12permission:tag.level11tag:' &f&l✦'
Adding a new page
To add a new simply copy this text section below and add it under the latest tag you want to include in the previous page.
'0':# page number, make sure to change this to 1 when adding a new pagerows:5title:'&cServer Tags'close-button:material:BARRIERname:'&C⤾ Close'lore: [] glow:falseslot:28info-button:material:MAPname:'&e&lInfo'lore: - '&7Stand out from the crowd' - '&7with your own &ftag&7!' - '' - '&6Click them to equip!'glow:falseslot:19clear-button:material:TNTname:'&e&lClear'lore: - '&fUnequip &7your currently selected' - '&7player tag.'glow:falseslot:10next-page-button:enabled:true material: PLAYER_HEAD:
name:'&eNext page'lore: []glow:falseslot:42open-page:0# it is important to select the next page you want to open with the 'next' buttonprevious-page-button:enabled:true material: PLAYER_HEAD:
name:'&ePrevious Page'lore: []glow:falseslot:40open-page:0# it is important to select the previous page you want to open with the 'previous' buttonfiller:material:GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANEname:'&r'lore: [] glow:falsetags:# Here you have to add your newly created tags
To add a new page there are a few important things you need to change in order to successfully add a new page to your tags menu.
First of all, you should change the page number at the top of a new page ('0':), this has to be a unique number (I suggest counting up 1 each page you add).
Secondly you should change the 'previous-page-button:' number and the 'next-page-button:'. For example, you add a new page ('1':) you should set the 'open-page: #' from the 'next-page-button:' to 1 and leave the 'previous-page-button:' 'open-page: #' to 0 as 0 is your previous menu.