With this plugin you never have to worry about your stuff again. SupremeDeath ensures that when you die you can choose to store it in a so-called inventory slot. Each player starts with 1 slot and can expand to as many as 9 slots. Each slot can store 1 inventory when you have died.
When you choose to use an inventory slot, a cooldown activates after which you can reclaim your items. This cooldown is 7 days long. You can also choose to immediately reclaim your items by means of a gravestone. Oh yes, when you die you do lose a percentage of your money, so don't be too reckless.
/supremedeath <player>
Opens the gravestones menu.
/gravestones give <player> <gravestones>
Give gravestones to the specified player.
/gravestones take <player> <gravestones>
Takes gravestones from the specified player.
/gravestones show <player>
Shows the amount of gravestones the specified player has.
There is one permission available for the SupremeDeath plugin:
This permission gives you access different gravestone slots where a player can store his items in after he died.
General options
Saving your inventory
When a player dies, he gets the chance to store his stuff, but only if he has a free inventory slot. When he chooses to save his items a default cooldown of 7 days will begin after which he can get his items back for free.
Lava bucket: Option to remove your items permanently.
Barrier: Back to the main gravestone menu.
Cobblestone wall: 'Restore my items'. This will allow you to immediately restore your items at a cost of 1 gravestone.
Dropped heads
The head of any player who dies will be dropped with a certain value.
Useful links
Last updated