SupremeGamble allows players to buy gambling drinks (money boosters) from a menu via the NPC in spawn. When a player right-clicks their drink, they will either win or lose, depending on the odds of the drink. If they win, they receive a configurable amount of money.
/supremegable open
Opens the gamble menu where you can purchase the gamble drinks.
/supremegamble give <player> <drink>
Gives the selected drink to the specified player.
/supremegamble reload
Reloads the plugin.
General options
Menu size
# Gui rowsmenu-rows:3# 1-6
Animated menu
You can animate the gamble menu with different colors.
# Animation in main menuanimated-menu:delay:25# In ticksitems: - 'ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' - 'YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
# Warning titlestitles:full-inventory:# Title when a player doesn't have space in his inventorytitle:'&cPurchase failed'subtitle:'&7Your inventory is full'fadein:20staytime:60fadeout:20insufficient-funds:# Title when a player has not enough moneytitle:'&cPurchase failed'subtitle:'&7You have insufficient funds'fadein:20staytime:60fadeout:20
Almost every can be configured to have it's own sound.